The official Hungarian dictionary is incorrectly encoded, which makes it impossible to install in HelpNDoc. We have created a fixed version of that dictionary. Here is how to proceed to install it in HelpNDoc:

  • Locate your HelpNDoc's person dictionary folder. Usually this is "My Documents\HelpNDoc\Dictionaries". Check HelpNDoc's "File" / "Options" / "Custom paths" / "Dictionaries path" in case it has been customized
  • Close HelpNDoc
  • Create that directory if it doesn't exist
  • Delete the files in that directory that starts with "dict-hu". This should be: "dict-hu.aff"; "dict-hu.dic"; ""
  • Download the following fixed dictionary:
  • Unzip it in the dictionary folder. It should now contain 3 additional files: "dict-hu-fixed.aff", "dict-hu-fixed.dic" and ""
  • Restart HelpNDoc

The "Hungarian (Hungary)" dictionary should now be available in the dictionary list at bottom of HelpNDoc's main window. See: How to activate and deactivate a dictionary in HelpNDoc